Monday, January 10, 2011


Yesterday was a strange day. I think my pregnancy hormone is really doing something in me and now I tend to get upset so easily for very trivial things...

And I got mad twice yesterday. I thank my husband for being so patient with me Ang cheer me up, reminding me that somehow I need to change the way I see things......

I'm very reluctant when it comes to change. In this respect I'm pretty much like johna, not until God put me in the stomach of a whale I wouldn't want to do anything about myself. That I need to change, too. Haha

Both incident happened in the beginning and the end of the day. In between I had a good day. It's fun to teach. I don't always prepare well enough, but I like it as if when God open your mouth and u just keep talking passionately about something important, without any notes. Seeing all the kids staring at me I was hoping they did learn something.

Then I had a meeting. Afterwards I sat with a family for a long time. I didn't say much, didn't do much, but sat there sharing their presence. I also prayed for them, quietly in my heart. One of the few times I find myself doing something through doing nothing. I felt deep love and joy among this family, very simple love and joy. And that's like treasures to me.

I like days as such, when I can learn something about myself and something about others, also something about love.

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